「華人戴明學院」是戴明哲學的學習共同體 ,致力於淵博型智識系統的研究、推廣和運用。 The purpose of this blog is to advance the ideas and ideals of W. Edwards Deming.

2010年11月29日 星期一

The W. Edwards Deming Award (The Graduate School)

The Graduate School Now Accepting Nominations for 2011 W. Edwards Deming Award

The W. Edwards Deming Award is awarded annually to a government organization that demonstrates transformative training excellence. The award encourages organizations to pursue employee education initiatives that will measurably improve the organization’s performance and impact its mission.

Washington, DC (Vocus) November 29, 2010

WHAT: The W. Edwards Deming Award is awarded annually to a government organization that demonstrates transformative training excellence. The award encourages organizations to pursue employee education initiatives that will measurably improve the organization’s performance and impact its mission.

The award’s namesake is Dr. W. Edwards Deming, a 20-year instructor at the School who is known as the father of Total Quality Management. His work has been described as the third stage of the Industrial Revolution and incorporated the idea that employees at all levels of private industry and government have a responsibility to cooperate to produce excellent products and services.

WHO: Since 1921, the Graduate School has served the D.C. metro community and is dedicated to providing training and educational programs in public service. An independent, not-for-profit accredited educational institution; the School is dedicated to academic excellence and lifelong learning.

WHEN: Deadline for submissions is January 25, 2011, 5:00 pm Central Time.

WHY: Recognition among your peers and good company with previous award winners that including:

  • National Park Service, Park Facility Management Division, 2010
  • United States Air Force’s Directorate of Legal Information Services, 2008-2009
  • United States Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Departmental Operations and Coordination, 2007

HOW: Eligibility, criteria and nomination form available at http://www.graduateschool.edu/deming

Lenore Daniel
The Graduate School
(202) 314-3355

2010年11月25日 星期四


看來朱子懂得漏斗規則 (第四)

Code of Ethics of ASQ : a version

另外一版本 參考 The Certified Reliability Engineer Handbook. pp.241-42
它是不容易翻譯的 因為多法律術語

Code of Ethics

Fundamental Principles

ASQ requires its members and certification holders to conduct themselves ethically by:

  1. Being honest and impartial in serving the public, their employers, customers, and clients.

  2. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the quality profession, and

  3. Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement of human welfare.

Members and certification holders are required to observe the tenets set forth below:

Relations With the Public

Article 1 – Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public in the performance of their professional duties.

Relations With Employers, Customers, and Clients

Article 2 – Perform services only in their areas of competence.

Article 3 – Continue their professional development throughout their careers and provide opportunities for the professional and ethical development of others.

Article 4 – Act in a professional manner in dealings with ASQ staff and each employer, customer or client.

Article 5 – Act as faithful agents or trustees and avoid conflict of interest and the appearance of conflicts of interest.

Relations With Peers

Article 6 – Build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and not compete unfairly with others.

Article 7 – Assure that credit for the work of others is given to those to whom it is due.

2010年11月23日 星期二

轉危為安的翻譯之整理 (1)


Need spectacles would be an example of an ephemeral circusmstance which might easily be altered by sending the man to the occulist.
ephemeral, occulist





Examine the streams of work that come in. Weldr No. 6 may receive a stream that is comparatively difficult to work on.


1.檢查整個製品材料的流 程,也許第六號焊接員是輪到較困難的製品材料。如果是這種原因,對第六號焊接員就毌需多加注意。


本刊版主剛從中國回來 一周來未更新


鍾 漢清
Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)
台灣戴明圈: A Taiwanese Deming Circle
電話:(02) 23650127

2010年11月15日 星期一

Japan's fate?

Robert J. Samuelson

Avoiding Japan's fate

Robert J. Samuelson
Monday, November 15, 2010

It's hard to remember now that in the 1980s Japan had the world's most-admired economy. It would, people widely believed, achieve the highest living standards and pioneer the niftiest technologies. Nowadays, all we hear are warnings not to repeat Japan's mistakes that resulted in a "lost decade" of economic growth. Japan's cardinal sins, we're told, were skimping on economic "stimulus" and permitting paralyzing "deflation" (falling prices). People postponed buying because they expected prices to go lower. That's the conventional wisdom - and it's wrong.

Just the opposite is true: Japan's economic eclipse shows the limited power of economic stimulus and the exaggerated threat of modest deflation. There is no substitute for vigorous private-sector job creation and investment, and that's been missing in Japan. This is a lesson we should heed.

Japan's economic problems, like ours, originated in huge asset "bubbles." From 1985 to 1989, Japan's stock market tripled. Land prices in major cities tripled by 1991. The crash was brutal. By year-end 1992, stocks had dropped 57 percent from 1989. Land prices fell in 1992 and proceeded steadily downward; they are now at early 1980s' levels. Wealth shrank. Banks - having lent on the collateral of inflated land values - weakened. Some became insolvent. The economy sputtered. It grew about 1.5 percent annually in the 1990s, down from 4.4 percent in the 1980s.

Despite massive stimulus, rapid growth hasn't resumed two decades later. Although the Japanese reacted slowly, they adopted the advice of economics textbooks. They raised spending, cut taxes and let budget deficits balloon. Gross government debt soared from 63 percent of the economy (gross domestic product) in 1991 to 101 percent of GDP by 1997. It's now around 200 percent. The Bank of Japan (their Federal Reserve) cut interest rates, going to zero in 1999 - a policy that, with some slight interruptions, endures.

Deflation doesn't explain persisting economic stagnation. Japan's consumer prices have declined in nine out of the past 20 years; the average annual decline was six-tenths of 1 percent. "People aren't going to say, 'I'll wait until next year to buy a car, when the price will be a half a percent cheaper,'" says New York Univeristy economist Edward J. Lincoln, a Japan specialist. If the Japanese were delaying spending, the household saving rate would have risen; instead, it fell from 15.1 percent of disposable income in 1991 to 2.3 percent in 2008.

Japan's lackluster performance has two main causes. One is the "dual economy": a highly efficient export sector (the Toyotas and Toshibas) offset by a less dynamic domestic sector. Until the 1980s, Japan depended on export-led growth that created jobs and investment. An undervalued yen helped. "You had 20 percent of the economy carrying the other 80 percent," says Richard Katz, editor of the Oriental Economist newsletter and the author of several books on the dual economy.

But the yen's appreciation in the mid-1980s - making Japan's exports more expensive - doomed this economic strategy. Ever since, Japan has searched in vain for a substitute. Cheap credit (which fueled the original "bubbles") and many "reforms" haven't sufficed. Japan's domestic sector remains arthritic, often protected by cartels or government regulations. Japan has one of the lowest rates of business creation among major industrial countries. One survey ranked Japan 44th in the world in the ease of starting a new firm, reports economist Randall Jones of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. (The United States was fourth.) Indeed, Japan's best recent years of economic growth (2003-07) occurred when a weaker yen revived exports.

The second cause is an aging, declining population, which dampens domestic spending. For decades, Japan's traditional family - a workaholic husband, a stay-at-home wife and two children - has been besieged, as anthropologist Merry White of Boston University shows in her book "Perfectly Japanese." Even in 1989, the fertility rate (children per adult woman) of 1.57 was below the replacement rate of about 2. The poor economy further discouraged family formation. Low wages and insecure jobs make children seem too costly. For men, the age of first marriage is 35, up from 27 in 1990, says White. The fertility rate is about 1.3.

So Japan's economy is trapped: A high yen penalizes exports; low births and sclerotic firms hurt domestic growth. The lesson for us is that massive budget deficits and cheap credit are at best necessary stopgaps. They're narcotics whose effects soon fade. They can't correct underlying economic deficiencies. It's time to move on from the debate over "stimulus."

Economic success ultimately depends on private firms. The American economy is more resilient and flexible than Japan's. But that's a low standard. Neither the White House nor Congress seems to understand that growing regulatory burdens and policy uncertainties undermine business confidence and the willingness to expand. Unless that changes, our mediocre recovery may mimic Japan's.

IBM reinvents voluntary work

ibm 公司今年贏得哥倫比亞大學商學院戴明中心的Deming Cup
值得 多記一下這家公司的作為

IBM reinvents voluntary work
Corporate volunteering Big-hearted Blue

"IT WAS like going back to graduate-student days. We all had nicknames and were hanging out together," says Guruduth Banavar, a senior executive at IBM. He recently spent time volunteering in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, as part of a six-person team put together by the IBM Corporate Service Corps, working pro bono with the city government to help develop new strategies in areas ranging from public transport and water supply to food safety and innovation.

Launched in 2007 as a "corporate version of the Peace corps", the programme is now being scaled up to 500 IBMers a year. Although many companies encourage their employees to do voluntary work, and some (such as Pfizer, a drugs firm) send them overseas to work with local community organisations, the IBM Corps reinvents the idea in several important ways, not least in its scale and its overt goal of doing well by doing good.

The idea was a result of trying to implement the vision of Sam Palmisano, IBM's chief executive, to turn the company into a "globally integrated enterprise". Needing to develop leaders capable of operating anywhere in the world, the firm decided to use volunteering as a form of training for high-flyers. There are benefits, says Stanley Litow, who has overseen the corps from its conception: communities benefit from an influx of talented problem-solvers, the company's brand is polished and it gets a squadron of leaders with new skills. "And it's a lot cheaper than a traditional international assignment," says Mr Litow.

At first those selected for the deliberately multiethnic teams were rising stars a few rungs below the top, but the programme has now been extended to executives such as Mr Banavar, a former head of IBM's research in India who is now chief technology officer for the firm's global public-sector business. "It was the best way to train myself for the new job," he says. The executive teams give advice on how to become "smarter cities" to local governments—which could become buyers of IBM's services, though the firm insists it offers help with no strings attached.

Indeed, although it is easy to imagine the benefits to IBMers, the biggest challenge facing Mr Litow has been to ensure that the corps is actually benefiting those it claims to help, especially as the missions last only four weeks for regular staff and three weeks for the executives. That could easily be just the right amount of time to make things worse rather than better. So IBM works with non-governmental organisations such as CDS, which specialises in overseas volunteering, to identify projects and to prepare staff before they arrive.

Other firms are now following IBM's lead. Novartis, a drugs company, has sent volunteers to Tanzania and the Philippines. Dow Corning has sent them to Bangalore. FedEx is sending half a dozen people on IBM projects to see if the model works for them.

An unexpected benefit for IBM is that the corps has been hugely popular inside the firm: more than 10,000 IBMers have applied so far. Those who have taken part show a greater commitment to continuing their career with the company, says Mr Litow. There are even some satisfied customers. Piotr Uszok, the mayor of Katowice, Poland, says he is delighted with the smarter-city advice he received this year and hopes that IBM will take part in the (happily) competitive tendering for projects that are the fruit of this volunteering.

CSR創新力 IBM成立志工大隊全球服務




善用志工服務 培育領導人



起初,被IBM選中當志工的,都是較低階、被看好的明日之星,但後來進一步增加了讓巴納瓦爾等主管也能參加的高階團隊,專門為地方政府提供如何打造 智慧城市(smarter cities)的建議──這些政府將來也可能變成IBM的客戶,不過IBM堅稱,他們的服務沒有任何附帶條件。



IBM另個意外的收穫,是志工部隊在公司裡非常受歡迎:至今已有上萬人搶著要報名。里托指出,凡是參加過的員工,都更願意繼續投入自己的工作。另方面,接 受服務的地方政府,顯然也很滿意。例如,波蘭卡托維茲市長尤索克就很喜歡智慧城市的建議,他還希望IBM也能來參加這項計劃的競標呢。

2010年11月14日 星期日

大驚小怪集 3

rip off

'Smart' Meters Draw Complaints of Inaccuracy


Whether smart electric meters are ripping off consumers by overstating electricity use is now a matter of debate.

rip off
1. Steal, as in They fired him when they caught him ripping off some of the merchandise.
2. Cheat, defraud, as in These advertising claims have ripped off a great many consumers.
3. Copy, plagiarize, as in He was sued for ripping off someone else's thesis. All three usages are slang from the second half of the 1900s.


送 Peter

轉危為安 第二章 第11點 (a) 竟然是 customer service之例的論述


While Warning About Fat, U.S. Pushes Sales of Cheese

When sales of Domino’s Pizza were lagging, a government agency stepped in with advice: more cheese. This is the same government that, for health reasons, is advising less cheese.


qualify the definition of '4G'


The Institute for Education Sciences this week officially set a new research agenda for the U.S. Department of Education, as its advisory board approved the first revised priorities in five years.The institute’s topics of study won’t change much under the new priorities. They include educational processes, instructional innovations, and teacher recruiting, retention, training, and effectiveness. The latter is in line with the federal economic-stimulus law’s focus on “teacher effectiveness” over the older “teacher quality.” But the new priorities put greater emphasis on putting federally supported education research findings into context “to identify education policies, programs, and practices that improve education outcomes, and to determine how, why, for whom, and under what conditions they are effective.” The document is intended to guide for the foreseeable future the discretionary grants made through the institute’s $660 million research budget. It’s also likely to change the shape of the regional education laboratory system, which provides technical assistance and research services in 10 regions across the country. The article is in Education Week.

從系統思考出發 (1): 以鄰為壑

今天WSJ的這篇 讓我們可以從系統思考出發來談世事.....

Beggar thy neighbour, or beggar-my-neighbour,

以鄰為壑“beggar-thy-neighbor” strategy

諾獎得主:量化寬鬆沒用 還是學學中國

Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, dismissing the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing as a “beggar-thy-neighbor” strategy of currency devaluation, called on America to learn the art of stimulus from China.


Beggar thy neighbour, or beggar-my-neighbour, is an expression in economics describing policy that seeks benefits for one country at the expense of others. Such policies attempt to remedy the economic problems in one country by means which tend to worsen the problems of other countries.

Contents [hide]

Original application

The term was originally devised to characterize policies of trying to cure domestic depression and unemployment by shifting effective demand away from imports onto domestically produced goods, either through tariffs and quotas on imports, or by competitive devaluation. The policy can be associated with mercantilism and the resultant barriers to pan-national single markets.

Extended application

"Beggar thy neighbour" strategies of this kind don't apply only to countries: overgrazing provides another example, where the pursuit by individuals or groups of their own interests leads to problems. This dynamic has been called the "tragedy of the commons," though it appears as early as the works of Plato and Aristotle.

According to economist Joan Robinson "beggar they neighbour" policies were widely adopted by major economies during the Great depression of the 1930s. [1]

The phrase is in widespread use, and is used in such publications as The Economist[2] and BBC News[3]. The term presumably originates from the name of the Beggar-My-Neighbour card game.


Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, dismissing the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing as a “beggar-thy-neighbor” strategy of currency devaluation, called on America to learn the art of stimulus from China.

President Barack Obama has defended the Fed’s controversial program, telling the world that a fast-growing America is good for the world economy. But Mr. Stiglitz, in comments at a conference in Hong Kong on Thursday, charged that quantitative easing, by leading to a weaker U.S. dollar, in fact steals growth from other economies.

“President Obama has rightly said that the whole world will benefit if the U.S. grows, but what he forgot to mention is…that competitive devaluation is a form of growth that comes at the expense of others,” Mr. Stiglitz said at the Mipim Asia real estate conference. “So I think it is likely to present problems for the global economy going forward.”

Emerging-market nations have bristled at the Fed’s move to spur the U.S. economy by increasing the U.S. money supply. They worry it will end up instead as a tidal wave of “hot money” that will overwhelm smaller, developing economies, creating asset bubbles and inflation. To prevent that, many are establishing or strengthening capital controls, banking regulations that restrict the flow of money into and out of economies. Taiwan and Brazil are the latest to act. South Korea is also considering measures.

That patchwork of international capital controls is “fragmenting the global capital market,” Mr. Stiglitz said.

Rather than just looser monetary policy, the Columbia University economist urges more government spending by countries whose low borrowing costs make it affordable─notably the U.S.

“We really should learn the lesson from China,” he said. “If you take money and spend it on investments, then you grow the economy in the short run, but you also grow the economy in the long run.” He says China’s massive infrastructure investments over the past two years have “changed the economic geography” of that country, setting it up for strong growth in the years ahead.

The U.S. should do the same, he said, adding that because it has funded infrastructure so poorly over the past 20 years, projects will likely have strong positive return on investment.

“We have a big list of what we need to do,” he said. “We could begin with high-speed railroads. On the list of infrastructure that was drawn up in 2000, at the top of the priority was New Orleans levees. It was public knowledge that New Orleans needed new levees; $5 billion invested in New Orleans levees would have saved $200 billion. Figure out the rate of return on that.”

He recognizes, however, that this dream of a second fiscal stimulus is unlikely to materialize. Much more likely is an extension of the Bush administration’s tax cuts, whose “bang for the buck is very low,” he said, and which will hurt the federal budget deficit.

On the issue of exchange rates, Mr. Stiglitz falls into the emerging-markets camp, led by China, that thinks the system of free-floating rates advocated for decades by the developed world is too volatile.

“An ordinary business, they just want to sell products,” he said. “With the exchange rate going up and down all over the place…you don’t know what you are going to get in return for the sales of your products.” Financial markets haven’t created hedging tools that are good enough and cheap enough to provide protection, he said.

“There’s a high social cost for the volatility in exchange rates,” he said. “So it’s very reasonable for governments to stabilize what the markets haven’t done a very good job at.”

So if you accept that intervention in currency markets to reduce volatility isn’t damaging to the world economy, where does it cross the line and become “beggar-thy-neighbor” manipulations? That’s the crux of the problem that policymakers at the G-20 are trying to hash out.

For instance, China has accumulated $250 billion in reserves this year while letting its currency appreciate only about 3%. Is that too much?

Mr. Stiglitz says China’s currency policy is understandable. And he echoed Premier Wen Jiabao’s contention that fast currency appreciation would send thousands of Chinese businesses into insolvency.

Given the failure of markets to offer adequate protection to export-dependent firms, he said, “to make sure that the exchange-rate volatility is not such as to force significant number of firms in bankruptcy that have macroeconomic consequences, that is at least the minimal intervention that is appropriate on behalf of government.”

Alex Frangos
貝爾經濟學獎得主斯蒂格利茨(Joseph Stiglitz)將美聯儲(Federal Reserve)的量化寬鬆政策貶斥為“以鄰為壑”的貨幣貶值策略﹐並呼籲美國學習中國的經濟刺激藝術。

美國總統奧巴馬(Barack Obama)曾為美聯儲這個有爭議的計劃說好話。他對國際社會說﹐美國經濟的快速增長對整個世界經濟有利。但斯蒂格利茨週四在香港一場研討會上發言時指責﹐量化寬鬆造成美元貶值﹐實際上是在從其他經濟體竊取增長。

斯蒂格利茨在亞洲國際地產投資交易會(Mipim Asia)上說﹐奧巴馬總統說﹐如果美國實現增長﹐整個世界將會受益﹐這一點說得對﹐但他忘記提一點﹐即競爭性貨幣貶值是一種以他人為代價的增長形式﹔所以我認為它將來可能會給世界經濟帶來麻煩。

美 聯儲通過增加美國貨幣供給刺激美國經濟的量化寬鬆政策﹐已經引起了新興市場國家的警覺。他們擔心此舉最終反倒造成大量“熱錢”湧入﹐催生資產泡沫和通貨膨 脹﹐讓規模更小的發展中經濟體無力招架。作為防範﹐很多國家和地區都在建立或強化資本管制﹐即限制資金出入的銀行監管措施。最新採取這種措施的是台灣和巴 西﹐韓國也在考慮採取什麼樣的具體辦法。


斯蒂格利茨來自美國哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)。他呼籲低利率國家(特別是美國)不要僅僅是放寬貨幣政策﹐還要借低利率優勢提高政府支出。



斯 蒂格利茨說﹐美國有一系列事情亟待完成﹐我們可以開始高速鐵路建設﹔2000年草擬的基礎設施建設清單上﹐首要任務就是建設新奧爾良的防洪堤壩﹔眾所周知 ﹐新奧爾良需要一個新堤壩﹐若當初能夠投資50億美元建設防洪堤﹐則可挽回2,000億美元的損失(譯者注:指的是2005年卡特琳娜颶風)﹐想想這個項 目的資本回報率有多大吧。









Alex Frangos


戴明博士的小故事 (2)

They were answerable only to themself.


(6) Hotel de Yama, Hakone, 1950

Out of the Crisis

Out of the crisis - Google 圖書結果

W. Edwards Deming, William Edwards Deming, W. Edwards Deming - 2000 - Business & Economics - 507 頁

1 把生產視為一個系統。品質改善包含了整個生產線,從進料到交貨給顧客,與為未來產品與服務再設計。本圖第一次用在19508月在日本箱根(Hakone)的“山”(Yama)旅館的高階層管理會議上。如應用係服務部門,那麼來源ABC等,可能是數據,或從前站進來的工作,例如收費(在百貨公司中),收費計算,存入,領出,存貨的進出,謄寫,送貨單等等。


箱根「山のホテル」(Hotel de Yama) 的蘋果派@ Runway 34R Approach ...在一個討論區看到一個網友問關於去箱根的問題的時候忽然想起來幾年前在蘆之湖(芦ノ湖)湖畔有一家叫「山のホテル」(英文名:Hotel de Yama,中文翻成"山的大飯店"?

(7) 日本 1950-80
1950新書:《 戴明博士文選: 統計品管到淵博知識》The Essential Deming
17. (收入 1986)


在某日本醫院應用的實例(一)。某一位病人手術後,需要學習走路, (1986)
Shunji HirokawaHiroshi SugiyamaQuantitative gain analysisTechnology Reports of Osaka University Facuty of Engineering, 30, no.15201980

看圖 (西班牙本)

Calidad, productividad y competitividad: la salida de la crisis - Google 圖書結果

W. Edwards Deming, Jesús Nicolau Medina, W. Edwards Deming - 1989 - Business & Economics - 391 頁
1 Shunji Hirokawa e Hiroshi Sugiyama, «Quantitative gain analysis», Technology Reports of Osaka University, Facultad de Ingeniería 30, n° 1520 (1980). ...


在美國人囗普查局的發揚與運用。在大型機構之中,進行品質和生產力全面改善,最早期而且最成功的例子,要算是一九三七年,在Morris H. Hansen所領導的人囗普查局了。無數的作業在普查局的生產線上界於A.現場計數人員或問卷回郵及B.最終出版之圖表間展開了。
一些由Morris H. Hansen和他的同事所撰寫的若干重要文獻與著作,顯示對抽樣的改進、非抽樣誤差的減少,與這兩者之間求得經濟的平衡點。在一九三九到一九五五年間的著作和文獻中,此處無法摘述。在1953年,由HansenHurwitz,與Madow合著的Sampling Survey Method and Theory, Vol.1Vol. 2Wiley,1953)一書中曾詳細提到。
美國人口統計調查局(Census)的統計組織,是約在一九四○年由Morris H. Hansen博士所手創,其計畫如圖61。一九四五年後,該局在品質及生產力的卓越成就上,已領先各國相當之單位。值得一提的,該局是服務機構,也是政府機構。

2010年11月10日 星期三

陳寬仁 中國一個月報告/楊聯陞《中國語文紮記 》(12月11日/2010年)


陳老師中國之旅一月歸來 到診所檢查一下 給我一通電話
他這回在重慶等地 遊都江堰 作四場演講 值得聽聽他的報告

陳寬仁 中國一個月報告/楊聯陞《中國語文紮記 》(12月11日/2010年)

2000年5月24日 林玉誠董事長在台大讀EMBA
Bat'a-systen of management:Managerial excellence found
(這是20世紀前半葉歐洲鞋王 他後代2戰逃到加拿大 很成功 10年前就在網路建鞋子博物館)
或許我在追悔1989年為去捷克參加 Bat'a大學的會議---那次 Myron Tribus博士一直暗示我這是千載難逢的一次
我那時候或許業務不振 無心遠遊
這file 是 DuPONT公司的 Strategy of Experimentation 課程
1993年 該公司是我們的大客戶
我們說 不談殺價 給個服務如何

2010年11月7日 星期日

2010年度 デミング賞本賞,実施賞,日経品質管理文献賞 受賞者一覧

2010年度 デミング賞本賞,実施賞,日経品質管理文献賞 受賞者一覧



圓川 隆夫 氏
東京工業大学大学院 社会理工学研究科
経営工学専攻 教授


株式会社コロナ 製造本部(新潟県三条市)
 専務取締役 製造本部長 高橋 一嘉 氏

 代表取締役社長 長谷川 裕恭 氏

 董事長 Michael J Williams 氏

2010/10/20 而至齿科(苏州)有限公司荣获戴明奖实施奖

National Engineering Industries Limited (インド)
 Mr. Rohit Saboo, President & CEO


(1) 「開発・設計における“Qの確保”―より高いモノづくり品質をめざして―」
 社団法人日本品質管理学会 中部支部 産学連携研究会 編

  編著:社団法人日本品質管理学会 中部支部 産学連携研究会
      (永田  靖 氏 早稲田大学 創造理工学部 教授
       渡邉 浩之 氏 トヨタ自動車株式会社 技監)

 金子 憲治 著

  金子 憲治 氏 (有)サービス経営研究所 代表取締役所長

(3)「新版 品質保証ガイドブック」
 社団法人日本品質管理学会 新版 品質保証ガイドブック編集特別委員会 編

  編著:社団法人日本品質管理学会 (編集委員長:中條 武志氏)

 誉田 直美 著

  誉田 直美 氏 日本電気株式会社 ITソフトウェア事業本部
  ITソフトウェア生産技術・品質保証本部 兼 ソフトウェア生産革新部 統括マネージャー

(5)「シリーズ〈現代の品質管理〉3 統計的工程管理―製造のばらつきへの新たなる挑戦―
 仁科  健 著

  仁科  健 氏 名古屋工業大学大学院 工学研究科 おもひ領域 教授

首 页 > 新闻

本 公司自2005年起导入并实践全员参加的GQM活动,此次终于荣获了日本品质管理的最高奖“戴明奖”。作为中国首家获奖企业,为不负于这份荣誉,我们将把 公司宗旨“施无畏(竭尽所能,忘我无私)”作为一切行动的基准,继续挑战以便为中国,亚洲的齿科界做出更广泛的贡献。


(a) 戴明奖正式奖
•在综合的品质管理(Total Quality Management,以下称为TQM)及其利用的统计的手法等的研究
(b) 戴明奖普及·推进功劳奖(海外)
(c) 戴明奖实施奖
•富士胶片株式会社 等等


2000年 株式会社GC 戴明奖实施奖
2003年 株式会社GCDP 戴明奖实施奖
2004年 株式会社GC 日本品质管理奖
大成齿科工业株式会社 TQM奖励奖
2005年 株式会社GC ASAHI TQM奖励奖
2006年 株式会社GCDP 日本品质管理奖
2010年 而至齿科(苏州)有限公司 戴明奖实施奖

戴明奖实施奖 奖状

2002年 而至齿科(苏州)有限公司设立
2004年 开始人工齿,义齿基托用树脂等的制造?销售
2005年 取得ISO 13485的认证,GQM活动开始
2007年 移管GC上海业务,成为集制造. 贸易.销售部门为一体的公司
2007年 GQM活动的水平提高宣言
2008年 开始工场革新活动
2009年 TQM诊断受诊
2010年 戴明奖受奖

审查情形 现场的审查情况


·全员参加的方针管理(公司方针向MY VISION的展开与实行)


而至齿科(苏州)有限公司于2002年根据GC集团的世界战略构想而设立,2007年与GC上海制销合并,是一家齿科材料的制造·销售公司。2005年在 取得ISO13485(医疗器械质量保证体系)认证的同时,开始了以GQM命名的TQM活动。2007年之后,进行了独特的品质制作体制的强化,全面大幅 提高了生产性相关的20项指标等,为实现GC集团创业100周年的2021年成为中国第一的齿科企业这一目标,而在切实的成长中。



15:40~16:50 戴明奖60周年纪念讲演会
15:40~15:5 致 辞 朝香 鐵一氏 (东京大学名誉教授)
15:50~16:05 祝 辞 豊田章一郎 氏 (丰田汽车公司 名誉会长)
16:05~16:50 戴明奖60周年纪念讲演 狩野 紀昭 氏 (东京理科大学名誉教授)
17:00~17:30 2010年度戴明奖颁奖仪式
17301830 受奖纪念60周年纪念 共通祝贺晚会

GQM :“GC的Tota Quality Management”的简称。GC苏州的TQM
改善活动 :以公司员工为中心的由下而上的改善活动
方针管理 :根据经营基本方针,制定长.中期经营计划及短期经营方针,为了有效且高效率的达成这些
MY VISON:以经营VISON及自发的责任为基础,以各员工为主体,设定的自己的应有姿态,挑战目标。

2010年11月5日 星期五

Scoring a whole in one : people in enterprise playing in concert


Scoring a whole in one : people in enterprise playing in concert

著者: Edward Martin Baker
出版商: Menlo Park, CA : Crisp Publications, ©1999.
叢書: Crisp management library, 25; Best management practices (Menlo Park, Calif.)

著者: Edward Martin Baker
出版商: Menlo Park, CA : Crisp Publications, ©1999.
叢書: Crisp management library, 25; Best management practices (Menlo Park, Calif.)

所有的著者/提供者: Edward Martin Baker
ISBN: 1560525495 9781560525493
OCLC號碼: 41259978
描述: xii, 89 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
内容: When Human Enterprise Is A System --
Relevance of Mental Maps --
There is No Accounting for the Costs of Provincialism --
What Cost Accounting Misses --
A System Is a Map --
A System Operates over Time and Place --
A System Is Not a Collection; System Means Interdependence --
Systems Are Contained within Systems --
The Whole Emerges through Interaction of its Parts --
Human Relationships that Fit: the Economics of Cooperation --
Competitors Are a Part of the System --
When Human Enterprise Is A Social Ecology --
Lessons from Systems Behaving Naturally --
Whole in a Whole --
The Enterprise-in-the-Individual --
The Individual-in-the-Enterprise --
Leading The Enterprise In Concert --
Leadership that Connects --
Practice Is Necessary, but Doesn't Make Perfect --
Scoring without Numbers: Enterprise Can't Live by Figures Alone --
A Framework To Score A Whole In One --
Two Individuals Make a Relationship --
Orchestrating Interactions in Manufacturing --
Interactions Matrix --
A Retail Furniture Business In Concert --
Constraints on Performance Become Obvious --
First a Hop of Faith, Then a Leap --
People See the Business as a Whole System --
Interactions Matrix --
A Leap of Performance --
Ongoing Learning of Individuals and Evolution of the Enterprise --
A Custom Job Shop In Concert --
Production Tooling: The System in Focus --
Interactions Matrix --
A Corporate Staff In Concert --
Interactions Matrix --
Hidden Critical Interdependencies are Revealed --
Partnerships are Formed --
Learning Continues.
叢書名: Crisp management library, 25; Best management practices (Menlo Park, Calif.)
責任: Edward Martin Baker.

2010年11月4日 星期四



關於Deming的一生 我幾乎看過所有的二手資料,所以可以做到無一事不可加注的地步





W. Edwards Deming in the Society of America, Japan and Taiwan


為什麼說戴明博士在美國為一「公民」呢? 主要是一直強調他晚年一直大聲疾苦的高層管理的方式必須走出「西方諸國中的要命的惡習」,他的所作所為,本著愛國者的「情操」出發。美國固然在1980年以前不怎麼重視戴明博士,不過從1980年起,給他全美的講台 (大學的和大公司的) ,讓他發揮其「晚年不絕的創造力」,留下兩本經典的管理學新典範著作。總之,美國有發達的資本主義的專業制 (主要是統計和統計諮詢業等)和工商業和教育界,所以讓類似戴明博士這樣的人能夠脫穎而出。

戴明博士在日本的角色為「受勳者-功勞者」,我本著是日本創設的年度「文化勳章獎和文化功勞獎」的精神說的。日本科技連 (JUSE) 1950年創立的戴明獎,幾乎年年會邀請戴明博士去頒獎,與日本的國力之增長一齊功成名就,日本也創立其獨特的學術和應用能力,精英。


2010年11月2日 星期二

1990 年出生的部分群英


http://www.answers.com/w%20edwards%20deming (born Oct. 14, 1900, Sioux City, Iowa, U.S. — died Dec. 20, 1993, Washington, D.C.)
梅贻宝,1900年11月5日生于天津。-1997 . 原著《大学教育五十年——八十自傳》梅贻宝撰 臺北市聯經出版事業 .1982/86


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